10/20/2015 Backsquats/Metcon


A. Backsquats

8 @ 45%, 7 @ 55%, 6 @ 65%

B. Metcon

500m Row

400m Run

40 Wallballs

40 Toes To Bar

400m Run

40 Abmat Situps

40 Flutterkicks 2ct

500m Row

10/16/2015 Deadlifts/16AMRAP


A. Deadlift Work

6 @ 50/55/60/65/70/75%

B. 16AMRAP of

1000m Row

800m Run Buy-in


Ladder at 2-4-6-8-10-12…of

Front Squats



10/15/2015 Power Clean/40-30-20-10


A. Power Clean work

5@45/55%, 4@60/65, 3@70/75, 2@80%

B. 40-30-20-10


Mtn Climbers 2ct

Flutterkicks 2ct

400m Run in between each (only 3 runs)

C. Max Attempts at either:

1 min max DU or Max Unbroken Du

10/13/2015 1rm Split Jerk/10-1


A. 1 RM Split Jerk (Front Rack)

B. 10-1

KB Swings

Goblet Squats

**3 Burpees EMOM**

10/12/2015 4 rounds


A. DB Row + DB Strict Press

4 sets of 8 reps each

B. 4 rounds

500m Row/400m Run

15 Deadlifts

10 Hang Power Cleans


5 Bar Over Burpees

Switch row for run each round.

10/9/2015 21-15-9


A. Push Press Work to a HEAVY 3

B. 21-15-9


Burpee to Plate

400m Run in between sets (only 2 runs)

C. 3 Max efforts of T2B

10/7/2015 15 Amrap


A. Db Pullovers + Strict Pullups

4 sets of 10 reps


40 Abmats

30 Mtn Climbers 2ct

20 KB Swings Russian

10 Burpees

5 HSPU or 3 Wall Walks

10/6/2015 Snatch/20 AMRAP


A.  Work to a Heavy Snatch

B. 20 Amrap of

200m Row

30 Thrusters 45/35

40 Double Unders/100 Singles

400m Run

Competition Wodapalooza Qualifier WOD 1 + 2

WOD 1 Work to a MAX Snatch Complex of

Snatch + Below the Knee Snatch + Hang Snatch (above the knee)

WOD 2 12 min Amrap Thruster Ladder

12 Thusters at 75/55 

35 Double Unders

then 95/65 + DU, 115/75 + DU, 135/85 + DU, 155/95 + DU, 175/105 + DU, 195/115 +DU

10/5/2015 Bear Complex/Barbell Stuff!


A. 15 min to establish a HEAVY Bear Complex

Clean + Front Squat + Push Press + Back Squat + Push Press

(You can squat Clean and that counts as Clean and Front Squat)

B. For Time

20 Calorie Row

3 rds of

10 Deadlifts 135/95

8 Hang Cleans

then 10 Cal Row

3 rds of

10 Bar Pushups

5 Ground to Overhead (Snatch or Clean and Jerk)

9/29/2015 3 RM Push Press/Chipper


A. Work to a HEAVY 3 REP Max Push Press..NO JERKING

B. For Time

50 Wallballs 20/14

50 Abmat

50 KB Russian

50 Abmat

25 Burpees

C. Work to a Max set of Unbroken Double Unders