
HOME WOD: Thursday, March 26, 2020

15′ AMRAP:

50m One Arm Suitcase Carry – switch arms at the “turn around”

15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

10 Thrusters or Wallballs

WOD Notes:

*Use a “heavy-ish” backpack or duffel, a bucket with heavy stuff in it, a propane tank was lovely…..walk/run about 25m (about 25 “man” steps so a few more if you are a shorty) with it in one hand, switch hands when you turn around.

*You should be able to use the item you carried for the Sumo Deadlift High Pulls. Remember, open the hips before you “high pull”…. ðŸ™‚

*Squat deep on your thrusters/wallballs! Just like we are watching you!!!

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