4/15/2011 Open WOD 11.4

Open WOD 11.4

10 minute Amrap
60 Bar Facing Burpees
30 OHS 120#
10 Muscle Ups

Todd got his First Muscle up EVER!

4/12/2011 “Skin the Dead Cat”

“Skin the Dead Cat”

100 Deadlifts 225/185 135/95
5 Skin the Cat

Start with 5 Skin the Cats then Deadlift.
Every 3 min do 5 more Skin the Cats.

4/11/2011 2 Amraps?

2 Amraps

2:30min Amrap

Squat Clean and Jerk 95/50

10min Amrap

10 KB Swings 70/53/35
10 Jumping Lunges
10 Pushups HL
200 m Run

4/5/2011 HERO WOD “Michael”


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

In honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael McGreevy, 30, of Portville, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28.

With heavy hearts we offer our prayers and condolences to his wife, Laura, and 14-month-old daughter, Molly.

The price of freedom, and its worth, is found in Michael�s passing. The debt owed to Michael and his family can never be repaid but only honored by remembering Michael and remaining free.

It was Raining, Lightning and Thundering at 6:15am this morning…….Lt. Michael McGreevy wouldn’t have stayed inside……so neither did WE!!!!

Neal S 19:39
Steve 20:28
Mike K 21:47
Todd 24:36
Mike E 28:21
Vicky 30:00

4/1/2011 “CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.2”

“CrossFit Games Open WOD 11.2”

15 min Amrap of

9 Deadlift 155#/100#
12 Handlift Pushups
15 Box Jumps 24″/20″
(1 completed round equals 36 reps)

Mike K Rx 347
Wesley Rx 345
Weaver Rx 278
Holly Rx 345
Chris Rx
Mike E Rx 305
Kip 135/20
Jeff 155/20
Aaron 100/20
Stella 80/20 216
Rachel 50/15
Tom 65/15
Jill 30/15