10/15/2013 OH Walking Lunges then Deadlift/Pullup Work

WOD 10 min Amrap

3 Burpee to Plate Touch 45/35

6 Pushups (Toes on Plate)

9 Overhead Walkng Lunges

WOD II Not for Time but try and go UNBROKEN


Deadlifts 150%/100% Bodyweight

Strict Pullups

10/14/2013 8min Amrap then Backsquats


8 min Amrap

8 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20

12 Wallballs 20/14

4 Toes to Bar


5×5 Backsquats

10/11/2013 Make-up Day or “Jacob Choice”


Make-up a WOD from this week you missed


Jacob Choice

5 rds of

30 DU/90 Singles

20 Abmat Situps

10 Pushups (hr)

5 WallBalls 30/20

10/10/2013 “HELEN” then OHS

WOD “Helen”

3 Rds for time of:

400m Run

21 KB Swings (American) RX 53/35

12 Pullups

Strength-Post WOD

Overhead Squats

5×5 95/65/35 Pick a Weight you can go to FULL DEPTH.

Increase weight if you can!

Gritter                        Time

Charlie       RX           8:32

Hal              RX           8:36

Cole            RX           8:42

Mike K.        RX          8:54

Todd            RX          9:07

Shawn         RX          9:40

Scott           RX           9:48

Nat              RX           10:09

Kelly OH     RX           11:06

Steve S.     RX           11:39

Joe F.          RX          11:41

Jacob          RX          11:50

Steven G.   RX           12:06

Bre              RX           12:13

Marcos       RX           13:04

David          RX           13:35

Brantley     RX           13:39

Robin          RX           14:00

Katie           RX           14:02

Bryan          RX          14:35

Lane            RX          14:58

Sean           RX           15:39

Sarah          RX           16:00

Melody        RX          18:20

K-Rev          RX          18:47

Erin           35/GN      10:54

Andrea     53/GN      12:19

Phil     35/row/jump  12:33

Dave        53/GN       13:40

Alix           35/BLRD   14:01

Robbie     53/GN       14:30

Clement  44/BLRD   14:35

Jenny       35/GN       14:35

Christina  35/GN      15:07

Flex          44/BLRD   15:14

Rusty        53/GN      15:30

Carole       35/BL      16:06

Randi         26/BLRD  18:45

Stacy         35/GNBL   22:20

10/9/2013 20min AMRAP..60% 1 RM Clean

WOD  20 min AMRAP

4 Front Squats @ 60% of 1 RM Clean or 135/95-115/85-95/65(pick heaviest)

6 Bar Over Burpees

8 Bar Pushups

10 Flutterkicks (over bar)

10 Scissorkicks (over bar/plate touch)

200m Run


100 Bicycles 2ct

10/8/2013 2xDL-1xClean


7 rounds of

2 Deadlifts

1 Clean

Go up every round

*Deadlifts should be about 50/30# heavier than Cleans.

You will need 2 Barbells.

The Deadlifts will feel HEAVY then the Clean will FLY UP!!

10/7/2013 Integrity’s Revenge WOD II then some Alexa Birthday Corework

WOD Integrity’s Revenge WOD II

4 rounds for time of

30 Double Unders/3x Singles

15 DB Thrusters 45/25 35/20

Alexa B-Day Corework

4 rounds of

15 Straight Leg Abmat Situps

15 MedBall Sidetaps

15 Flutterkicks (Balls Up-2ct)

10/3/2013 Integrity’s Revenge WOD I

WOD Integrity’s Revenge WOD I

10 Ground to Overhead 95/65

10 Shoulder to Overhead

100m Sprint

20 G to O

20 S to O

100m Sprint

30 G to O

30 S to O

100m Sprint

40 G to O

40 S to O

10 min Time Cap (The time cap has NOT been released yet for the comp but we are going to use 10 min)

 Gritter            #’s       Reps

Mike K.            95        125

Charlie            95        123

Todd                95        120

Van                  95        112

Giery               95         106

Erin                  65        105

Jacob              95         100

Jake                 95         100

Nat                   95         97

Kelly OH          65         95

Steven            95          88

Clayton           95         85

Sixone             95         85

Brantley          95         82

Jeff                   95         81

Robin               65         80

Robbie             95         76

Marcos            95         73

Seth                 95         70

Scott                75         111

Chris                75         99

Don                  75         89

Bryan              75          85

Rusty               75         85

Sean                75         70

Christina         55         89

Bryce              55          77

Melody            55         68

Phil                  45          78

10/2/2013 “DB Day”

WOD 5 rds 

10 DB Plank Rows 50/30 (Heaviest you can go and KEEP a GOOD PLANK)

15 DB Floor Press

20 Flutterkicks (2ct DB Pressed)

200 m Run

Cash Out 20 Goblet Squats (1 DB)


5×4 1 Arm Overhead DB Walking Lunge

5 rounds to get to heaviest DB