The One and ONLY Island Box!
Happy Birthday, Mandy and Jeanmarie!!
800m Run
10 Kickups
15 Push Press 95/65
20 Hollowrocks
600m Run
10 Kickups
15 Push Press
20 Hollowrocks
400m Run
10 Kickups
15 Pushpress
20 Hollowrocks
200m Run
10 Kickups
15 Pushpress
20 Hollowrocks
Post WOD:
Max Pullups in 2 Minutes
WOD I “Annie”
Double unders
Abmats (can be anchored)
WOD II 10 Rounds
5 Pushups
10 Air Squats
15 Abmats
25 Flutterkicks 2ct BIG
25 Scissorkicks 2ct BIG
5×5 Sumo Deadlift High pull
75/55 and go up each round
Set-up strong and explode with hips
1000m Row Buy-in
50 Back Squats at 50% Bodyweight
50 Floor Presses
**Everytime Bar rests on floor…5 Burpees**
Happy Brithday Taylor Logue
“Sweet 16″
Dough Rollers 135/95
Push Press
200m Run
20 Minute AMRAP – Partner or Individual
25 MedBall Abmat Sit Ups
20 MedBall Side Tap Partner Passes
15 Burpee to Plate
200m Run – Take Your Partner, Your Ball and Your Plate
WOD 10 min Amrap
10 Airsquats
10 Mountain Climbers (2ct)
10 Flutterkicks (BIG 2ct)
200m Run
Strength 5×5 Back Squats
100/75% Bodyweight and Up
WOD 5 Rounds of
10 Thrusters 95/65
20 Straight Leg Toe Touch Abmats
30 Bar Hops
10 Cleans as Close to Bodyweight as possible!
WOD 25 min AMLAP
500m Row
50 Doubleunders/150 Singles
5 Laps of 50m Farmer Carry
If you drop the KB during the 5 laps do 5 Burpees Per Drop at the end of your 5 laps.
Deck of Cards
35/25/15# Plate
Hearts= Pushups (HR and Toes on Plate)
Diamonds=Squats w/ Plate extended in Front
Spades=Plate Up and Overs
Clubs=Plate Side Taps (2ct)
Ace=1 or 15(X-Grit)
Jokers=200m Run with Plate!
5-4-3-2-1 of 1 to 1
Hang Snatch Pull to Hang Power Snatch
75/55/35 and go up
5 x 5 Strict Press 1 set 50% 1 RM, then up 10% or 10lbs each round
Example:1 rep max is 100# do 50#, 60#, 70#, 80#, 90#.
WOD 5 rounds
20 1 Arm Russian Kettle Bell Swings (10 per arm) 53/44/35/26
20 Bicylces (2ct)
200m Run
50 Hollow Rocks (you will rock back and forth in Hollow Rock)
50 Sledgehammer Blows (25 Each side)