3/4/2014 Birthday WOD for “Shelly”…Backsquats.

Strength Backsquats

5 x 5 @ 70% 1 RM


We will be joining fellow Gritter Cameron Wicker to pay tribute to one of her best friends Shelly.

Friends are hard to come by, Best Friends are Priceless!

“As you’re doing the WOD today, look up to the sky and blow a little kiss to my best friend, Shelly. After a tough, four-year battle, in December she lost her life to colon cancer at age 39. Thursday would have been her 40th birthday and I wanted to do something special to honor her. Today’s workout is based on Shelly and all of our adventures together. Shelly was an All-American swimmer in college; her stroke was the butterfly. When we lived in Seattle, we …would head up to the North Cascades on the weekend and camp and hike and mountain bike. We played on a soccer team together called the Foxx Force and teammates called us the Twin Towers. We even formed the short-lived Lower Queen Anne Running Club, which had three members at its height!  I miss her every day and I predict sweat and tears today.” Cameron

WOD “Speedy Shelly”

40 Wallballs

40 Mountain Climbers (2ct)

40 Flutterkicks (2ct)

40 Bicycles (2ct)

then do the 20’s

This WOD is going to BURN, that pain is called being ALIVE, dont blow it off and don’t take it for granted.

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