1/14/2011 “That was a Party last Night!!!” “Hungover WOD”

“Hung Over WOD”

6 rounds of

10 Db Push Press 30/15

8 Over Head Walking Lunges 30/15

6 Pullups

Steve Rx 5:04

Mike E Rx 8:17

Vicky 15/J 7:34

Brooke 15/J 8:38

Jason 15 10:00

Laura 6 10:00

Awesome Job by everyone!

Steve…..speedy…glad to have you back…..now bring the Wii dude in already.

Laura—great first Class!

MikeE—Thanks for holding it in!

Brooke–just cause your my mom…you get no breaks!!

Vicky—HAHAHA 10 Burpees for being late!! SWEET!

Jason–you are on your way dude!

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