2/26/2011 Trainer WOD “Todd Vs. Holly”

2/25/2011 Sprint/Goblet Squat—-EMOM


Every minute on the minute

50 yard Sprint

10 Goblet Squats 50/30

Get as many rounds until you can no longer complete the squats in the minute alotted.

2/22/2011 Some Kind of Lucy

Some Kind of Lucy

4 rounds of

5 Pullups
10 Burpees
15 Airsquats
400m Run

2/21/2011 30 on 30 off

30 secs on 30 secs off

4 rounds of

Ghd situps
Hang power cleans 95#/65#
Ring Pushups

Count the reps completed for each 30 interval then total at end.

2/19/2011 5K Bridge Run

What a great day at the Bridge Run…..
Fire Fighter Challenge Win for Glynn County
Vicky, Mike East, Xenia and Roxie blew my mind!!

Thanks to Steve M., John McQuigg, Wesley Baker, Josh Weaver, Holly Corwon, and all the other people that came out and made this day so GREAT!!

CrosFit Grit/Glynn County Firefighters. Supporting Morgan up to the Finish line!

2/15/2011 BURPEES!


50 Burpees for time

Todd 2:04

Holly 2:43

Mike K 2:45

David 2:46

Kip 2:56

Steve 3:01

Anne 4:56

Jeff 4:59

Roxie 5:03

John Mc 5:19

Linda 6:50

Xenia 6:55

Chris 7:31

We did a lot of warm-up and the Skill work was Heavy Cleans.

The WOD was not unveiled until 1 minute before starting…….That was SO FUN!!!

Great Job everyone…….I know some of you doubted yourself at first….DON”T LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN, EVER!

“Party With Helen” 2/12/2011

“Party With Helen”

50 DU’s (150 singles)

21 Kb Swings 53#/35#

12 Pullups

400 m run

4 Tire Flips 400#/150#

21 Kb Swings

12 Pullups

400 m run

4 Tire Flips

21 Kb Swings

12 Pullups

50 DU’s

Joe Rx+ 2 pood 11:14

Todd Rx+ 2 pood 16:05

Holly Rx 35/150 11:49

Wilks Rx 53/400 15:52

Steve 53/400/singles 14:40

Britney 35/150/singles 15:56

Andrew 53/400/singles 22:32

Ladies WOD

5 rounds of

50 Jumprope

25 Kb Swings 26/18

100m run

Mari 12:31

Roxie 15:23

Lisa 16:50

Xenia 18:51

Tuesday are for Triple WODs 2/8/2011


7 min Amrap

10 Airsquats

5 Bupees

rest 3 min


7 min Amrap

10 Kb Swings 53/35

5 Thrusters 30/20

rest 3 min


7 min Amrap

3 Deadlift 185/135

4 Boxjumps 24″/20″

5 Knees to Elbows

Wesley 22 rds+16

Holly 26 rds +5

Jeff 13 rds +13

Kip 25 rds +20

Anne 20 rds +15

Linda 19 rds +4

Roxie 21 rds +10

Xenia 21 rds +10

Vicky 21 rds +8

Lee 17 rds +10

Jason 4 rds (Injured Reserve)

2/3/2011 15min AMRAP

15min AMRAP

10 Stepups 24/20

5 1 Arm Snatches left 40/25

5 Burpees

5 1 Arm Snatches right

TREAT—Every 3 minutes stop and do 40 Flutter Kicks then resume work!

Steve Rx 11 rds +10

Kip 30#/24 10 rds +19

Ryan 35#/24 8 rds

Vicki Rx 8 rds

Jeff Rx 4 rds +10

Roxie 15#/20 6 rds +19

Xenia 15#/15″ 5 rds +10

Roxie and Xenia got 135# Backsquats!!!! Xenia got a 70# press and Roxie got 65#

Great Pr’s Girls!

Steve won a box of Vespa Power Wasp Extract for bringing in friends in January!!
Visit VESPA Power Products if you want to take it to the NEXT Level..