Thursday “Sand in your shorts” WOD

W/U It’s Fun to Run….high knees, power skips, burpees, lunges, stretch, backwards, sprint!

Skill Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

WOD 7 Rounds for time of:

50 yard Farmers Carry 50/25
10 Box Jumps 24″/20″/12″
10 Overhead Walking Lunges 25/15

TREAT—On the Minute every Minute….5 Pushups

Weaver Rx+ 50/24″/50 13:22 65 pushups
Rhett Rx+ 50/24″/40 13:56 65 pushups
Andrew 40-25/24″/25 13:56 65 pushups
Jersey Rx+ 50/24″/40 17:59 85 pushups
Steve 45#/24″-20″/25 19:50 95 pushups
Brandon 45/24″-20″/25 22:30 110 pushups
Lynda 25/12″/15 24:00 48 pushups
Sara 25/12″/15 24:00 48 pushups

Cool Down……50 Yard Sled Drags…90#/45#
Clean up!

That WAS an EPIC morning. Everyone pushed to there limit. I thought a couple of people might add to the vegetation…There was very little rest and no quit in them this morning.

Weaver, Rhett, and Jersey stomped out some Rx+ work!!
Andrew, Steve, and Brandon just motored on, and on, and on!
Lynda and Sara put out 24 straight minutes of non stop effort, Great job ladies!

I am proud of how much Heart came out this morning. These are Warriors…everyone of them!

Knowledge is Power

Tuesday WOD 7/26/2010

W/U 50 Jumprope, Arm warmup-Stretch, High Knees, Powerskip, Frankenstein, Electric Fence.
PVC Pass Throughs
2 minutes of Tabata Pushups, Chest to Deck, 10 on 10 off!

Skill Push Press 5x5x5x5 Increase weight for each round

Wod Partner Workout 15 min AMRAP As a team of 2 complete the following.

40 Air Squats
30 V-situps
20 KB Swings
10 Burpees
Run 250 yards

Only One person works at a time!

TREAT—a 25#/10# plate must be held by one team member the whole time.

Weaver/Brant 50#kb/25# plate 3 rounds +37 air squats
Jersey/Jarad 40#kb/25# plate 3 rounds
Steve/Brandon 30#kb/25# plate 3 rounds +30 air squats
Travis/Andrew 20#kb.25# plate 2 rounds
Lynda/Sara 15#kb/10# plate 3 rounds
Cleveland/Vicky 20#kb/10# plate 3 rounds
Brent ” Lone warrior” 25#kb…..crushed 2 rounds by himself!!!!! Go Brent

CrossFit Grit has a new record!!! 13 people……holy cow! Brandon had a crash course for his first CrossFit WOD, and put in some great work!

Everyone pushed each other very hard. I had to turn the music up because of all the heavy breathing!

Andrew’s birthday today…He did 22 Jumping pullup burpees……..ROCKING way to start a new year!

Thanks everyone….

Monday Morning WOD 7/26/2010

W/U 20 Double Unders
Good Mornings
Stretch, PVC
Stair Climbs
Air Squats
Skill DB Thrusters 3x3x3x3
Work up to 3RM…DB

WOD 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,

Up and Overs 45#/25#
Front Kicks (each Leg)
1 Arm Snatch 40/20

Up and Overs…hold plate with 2 hands at your chest, extend to overhead then lower to behind the head with elbows high and tight to ears. Then press overhead and then back to chest for 1 rep.

For Snatches start with right arm at 10 reps, then do left arm for 9, back to right arm for 8, then so on.

U n O/snatch
Brant 50/40 6:56
Steve 45/30 10:28
Rhett 45/30 9:36
Andrew 40/30 9:28
Travis 25/20 12:36
Vicky 25/20 12:59
Sara 25-10/15 11:19
Carole 10/10 13:50

Spectacular morning with the full moon setting and the sun rising. I don’t recall a single person “resting” during the WOD!!!
Brant just murdered it with +Rx, Andrew rocked the 50# DBs on the thrusters. Rhett kept the high intensity. Travis, oh Travis was double repping the snatches…..will just make him that much stronger! Vicky motored through the 25# U n O’s with No Quit! Sarah got faster as the reps went on and held onto the 25# for as long as possible. Great first class Steve, I hope we gave you enough! You really pushed it hard. Carole you had a great first class. Muscle is on its way.

I want to say the gretest thing I saw this morning was after people finished their WOD, instead of sitting down and resting theywalked over and cheered and encouraged the ones who were still working……TRUE CrossFitters!

Saturday WOD 7/24/2010

W/U Tabata Jumprope
Shoot Throughs
Air Squats
Speed Drills

WOD “A Chipper”

50 Air Squats
Run 250 yards
50 KB Swings
Run 250 yards
50 DB Push Press
Run 250 yards
50 Hand Lift Pushups
Run 250 yards
TREAT—first one to run carries Med Ball to corner of block and drops. Next one to come to Med ball picks up and carries to next corner. Everytime you come to the ball and it is on the ground…pick it up!

Saying “CAN’T” Burpee Penalty……Jarad 5…..Jersey 5.

Jarad 40# kb, 25#/15# db 18:53
Andrew 25#kb, 20#/15# db 20:15
Patrick 20#/12#kb, 12# db 22:00 30 reps subbed

Nice work this morning….tons of sweat, and heart!

Wednesday Morning WOD!!

W/U Jumprope, Jog Complex, jump drills, stretch

Skill/Strentgh     Deadlift

WOD 4Rounds for time

10 DB Pushpress

10 KB Swings

250 yard run

Brent 25#/25# 8:53

Weaver 40#/45# 8:50

Conner  25# 25#  9:19

Brant 50#/50# 9:56

Jarad 40#/40# 9:19

Andrew 20#/25# 11:46

Vicky 10#/10# 8:45

Lynda 8#/10# 10:00

What a great morning.  Lynda’s second workout, doing awesome.  Vicky and Andrew’s first workout, you guys got the excitment for sure.  Thanks everyone for coming out early and giving it your all!!

Weaver….more weight

Brent……..more weight

Jarad…….good weight

Brant…….big weight

Conner…..killed it

Great Morning for First WOD’s

W/U  Jumprope, PVC, Stretch, Sled Drag, Parrallette Shoot Throughs

Skill   Air Squats and Overhead Squats

WOD  AMRAP  8 min

10 Air Squats

10 1 Arm DB Snatches 40/25

10 Pushups (hand lift)

Cool Down….Stretch

Weaver 40#            4 rds +30 reps

Jarad    40#/25#   3 rds + 30 reps

Brent     25#             4 rds

Rhett     25#             4 rds

Michael 25#            5 rds……First WOD….Holy cow we got a monster here!!!!

Lynda    10#             3 rds……First WOD….There was no quit here folks!!!!!  Awesome

Thank Michael and Lynda for coming out for your first class.  You guys got huge heart and will do Great!!

Monday Mornings are Awesome

WOD   5 Rounds for Time

5/3 Deadlifts  230/80

5 Parrallette Jumps

100 yard Sprint

Anne  80lb  8:18

Todd 230lb 5:50

Great short intense WOD.  Awesome job Anne, you are so much stronger than you think!!!

CrossFit Games 2010

That was an unbelievable weekend of the most insane WOD’s.  I can’t even fathom being able to do 9 WOD’s over the course of 3 days.  CrossFit proved again that this program creates the strongest individuals both physically and mentally.  Unreal.  I am so glad to be a part of this community!

Beach WOD

We are meeting at the Myrtle Street Beach Saturday morning at 8:30am for a great morning workout.  Everyone is welcome.  This workout is for ALL skill levels.  Comeout, bring your friends and family and get exposed to CrossFit.