Friday WOD 8/13/2010

W/U Stretch, PVC, Walks!
Skill 2 minute Tabata Squats

WOD Stations…..1 minute on, 1 minute off..2 rounds of each
Abmat Situps
Knees to Elbows
Kb Swings 50/35/25

Tom King—50#—-542 reps visiting from CrossFit Bloomington Normal
Joshua—–50#—-530 reps
Shawn—–50#—-496 reps
Andrew—-50#—-435 reps
Brandon—-50#—-423 reps
Jersey—–50#—–398 reps
Vicky——25#—–362 reps
Travis—–35#—–350 reps
Tara——10#—–195 reps
Sara——-25#—-176 reps

What a morning. The sun was coming up, the Kingfish tournament boats were speeding offshore. We had Tom King visiting from CrossFit Bloomington Normal, what a great guy and hell of a crossfitter.
Ran the “Stations” this morning and it was sweet! Huge numbers for everyone. Travis brought his sister to the workout and dispite it being her first workout and in FLIP FLOPS, she put up very good numbers! Thanks all who helped with the new box. It is gonna be awesome!

Can you say BOX!!

It is ON now! The new BOX is in stage 1…clean and prep!

Wed Morn WOD 8/11/2010

W/U Stretch, PVC
Skill Overhead Squat 5x5x5x5

Spades—DB Push Press
Clubs—–Air Squats
Diamonds-DB Dead lift

Todd——-45#DB(stupid choice)

Beautiful morning. Had a light shower to wet everything but clouds cleared for a nice sunrise. Shawn from Colorado joined us for his first class. He just moved here and used to workout at CrossFit Agoge! Super Strong guy! Jersey did great holding in his anger for me!!! Brandon, way to fight through and finish out. thanks everyone for playing.

Tuesday Morn WOD 8/10/10

Jog the Block, at every corner complete 30 Jumprope and 10 airsquats
Stretch, PVC Progression, Snatch movements
Pullups and Ring Dips
WOD 5 Rounds for Time
10 Kb Swings 50/25
10 Box Jumps 24″/20″
10 Pushups(hand lift)
250 yard run


Had a great morning, plenty of pullup and ring dip work! Lots of energy on the WOD. Weaver Pr’d from last May with 50# up from 25# and 30″ box jumps up from 24″. Way to stay strong Jarad, big weight and TALL box! Wesley, Rhett, Brandon, and Andrew crushed the WOD Rx’d. Brian was smoking the box jumps with touch and goes and kept the intensity high!! Steve, despite being on the IR list pushed through the pain and threw the 50# along with stepups and the runs, hugh heart Steve. Vicky is back! Great job girl keeping that momemtum up. Sara you did great with the 25#! What a morning!

Monday Morn WOD 8/9/10

W/U 50 Jumpropes, Stretch, PVC, Snatch progression, Squats
3 rounds of
10 pullups
20 airsquats
30 abmat situps

Skill Snatch

WOD 3 rounds for time
10 Ground to Overhead 80/50/25
200 Yard shuttle run


Nice work this morn. Courtney, Brian, and Mike decided it would be fun to run to the workout from a mile and a half away!!!
Mike, great first workout, hope you decide to keep coming.
Rhett, way to push through Rx!!!
Wesley…super speed, we got to get you your own bar for sure!!
Anne, you are amazing!! And I am not just saying that because you birthed my children!!!

Saturday Grit and Brunswick WOD

W/U 400m Jog, PVC, 15 Handstand Pushups, 15 45# Good Mornings, 15 Box Jumps, 15 Toes to Bar, 15 Abmat V-situps


Run 400 Meters

21 Ketlebell Swings (53lbs, 35lbs)

12 Pull-ups

3 Rounds For Time

Steve-11:51 (35lbs)
Jersey-12:26 (35lbs, Green band)
Andrew-16:02 (35lbs)
Amanda-15:37 (20 lbs, Ring Rows)
Leslie-19:44 (Red Band)
Jared-21:32 (40lbs, Red Band)

A great morning workout with the Brunswick crew…Thanks Keith and Leslie!

This is CrossFit

What is CrossFit inspirational video from Diablo CrossFit on Vimeo.


Thurday WOD 8/5/2010

W/U 100 Jumprope, Stretch, Inverted Box Pushup Proggression

Skill Snatch

WOD 5 Rounds for time

7 Clean and Jerk 120/80
21 Jumping Pullups


Men the Boxes are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! So many things we can do now. Strength is coming!!!!!

Wed Madness 7/4/2010

Hard work paying off!!!!

W/U Jog and Stretch Complexes, 20 Jumping Lunges

Skill 100% Sprint around Block (about 250 yards?)
Calvin 41:37
Weaver 45:19
Steve 48:30
Brandon 49:00
Andrew 50:72
Chris 50:90
Wesley 52:00
Brant 54:00
Elizabeth 54:95
Sarah 1:10:47
Travis 1:20:30

WOD 4rounds for time

5 Man Makers 25/20/15
10 Knees to Elbows
50 Jumprope
Run 250 yards

Steve—–Rx—–19:05—-Pukie!!!! And still kept running!
Elizabeth—8—– 3+ rounds
Sarah——8—— 3+ rounds
Travis——15—-3+ rounds

Cool Down…Sled Drags and Ocean Swim

Huge numbers this morning. Had to stagger start times. Everyone did great staying with it and getting the work done. Jumprope is becoming second nature to alot of people!! Great Morning

Monday “Jacob’s Ladder” 7-1-2010

W/U 250yard jog, PVC,
10,6,4 of Pushups, Situps, Air Squats

Skill/Strength Knees to Elbows

WOD “Jacob’s Ladder”

5 DB Deadlift
5 DB Hand Power Cleans
5 DB Front Squats
5 DB Push Press

Start with 20lb DBs and after each successful round go up 5 lbs. Keep increasing by 5lbs after each round. Time cap is 10 minutes.

Weaver 50lbs
Jersey 45lbs
Steve 45lbs
Brandon 45lbs
Brian K. 40lbs
Courtney 25lbs

Everyone kept going after the 10 minute cap and just pushed round after round with lower weights……Great Stuff! Thanks for coming out for your first class Courtney! Brian K. it was good to see you again. I guess it is time to get some bigger dumbbells!!!!