11-3-2010 “Pull-Jump-Run”


4 rounds of

10 Pullups
100 Jumprope
400 m run

Sarge 10:40
Josh 11:28
Wesley 11:48
Wilks 13:08
Steve 16:33
Anne Blue 18:25
Vicki Blue 21:45
Donna Green 15:30
Alyssa Green 18:23
Michelle Jones 17:03 Jumping Pullups

11-2-10 “Pushpress”

Pushpress Max single lift

Josh 205
Blake 195
Jeff 185
Steve 155
Wesley 155
David B 145
Crystal 95
Vicki 95
Linda 80

Brunswick Stewbilie 5K

Honoring and supporting the 165th ASOS, Steve, Shawn and I (Todd) braved high 40’s with strong winds to run the 5k. There was a great turnout. At the start I tried to lead Team Grit on a good pace…..soon that job was taking over by Steve “Blistering Pace” Mansfield follow closely behind by Shawn “Sarge” Wentz. By the end of the race Steve and Shawn finished 1st and 2nd respectively in the 30 to 34 age group. I pushed through to take my first ever running medal of 3rd place in the 35 to 39 age group and a new pr of 25:46. CrossFit Brunswick was also there with 4 members and they took home 3 medals as well. A great showing of CrossFit Fitness!

Saturday’s WOD will be a 5K Race for our Veterans

Let’s put our training to the test and run a 5K to honor our VETERANS!!!!

Monday 11/01/2010

Airsquats, 1/2 Bodyweight Backsquats, Abmats, GHD, Ropeclimbs, Sled Drags, Box Jump ring swing obstacle course.


5 rounds for time of
10 Left arm db snatches 40/20
10 Handlift Pushups
10 Right arm dm snatches 40/20
2 Rire flips 400#/150#