The One and ONLY Island Box!
6 Rounds x 5 Reps
Push Press into Squats (Front or Back)
For Time: 14′ Cap
1000/900m Row or Ski
80 Walking Lunges
500/450m Row or Ski
40 Walking Lunges
25 Burpees
15′ to Find Moderately Heavy STO
Push Press, Push Jerk or Split Jerk
20 American KB Swings
30 DU / 90 Singles
:30 Plank
5 Rounds:
10 DB Curls
20 Bent Over Rows
15 Bent Over Flys
20 Wrist Rotations
For Time: 25′ CAP
Cal Row or Ski
Abmat Situps
HR Push Ups
10 Rounds – 30′ Cap
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Cleans
5 Push Press
5 Reverse Lunges (Back or Front Rack)
5 Back Squats or Front Squats
Rest at least 60 seconds between rounds
Strict Press -> Push Press
10 Reps Each Round – Descending Strict/Ascending Push Press – Adding Wt.
9 -> 1
8 -> 2
7 -> 3
1 -> 9
3 Rounds x 4′ EMOM
2′ Rest Between Rounds
500/450m Row./Ski
(50) 1 DB Burpee Cleans
*Complete Row/Ski. With Remainder of 4′, accumulate max burpee cleans. Rest 2′. Complete Row/Ski and use remainder of time, picking up where you left off with the burpee cleans working to 50 total. Score is time at which you completed 50 burpee cleans or # of burpee cleans you got at end of 3rd 4′ round.
Back Squats
6 Sets x 10 Reps
*Increase Weight, Keep Unbroken, Perfect Form (not to failure)
20 Walking Lunges
10 TTB / 15 Knees to Chest
5 Burpees with Double Jump
25+’ AMRAP – Team of 2
800m Team Run
AMRAP of: 5 Pullups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Airsquats (alternate partner with each movement)
@25′ Mark – 800m Team Run
10 Rounds NFT
10 CG Bench – go up, but stay unbroken
10 Tuck Ups
:15 Plank Hold
5 V Ups
:15 V Hold
Strict Press
8 Sets x 4 Reps
*1 (3 second) pause back or front squat after each set
Fun Bonus
1′ Max squats with final weight
For Time:
5000m Row or Ski
*Team of 2-3 / Sprint then hand it off
8 Sets of the Following Complex:
2 Deadlifts + 4 Hang Cleans
*Getting Heavier Each Set
100m Suitcase Carry
5 Russian KB Swings
5 Goblet Squats
10 HR Pause Push Ups