12-17-2010 “Balboa”


4 rounds of

100 Jumprope

400m Run

10 Body Blasters (Burpee/pullup/Knee to Elbow)

Steve 17:21 (1:07 Pr)

Mike K 15:16

Linda 30:20 (Pr Rx)

Vicky 25:10

Jeff 14:59 2 Rounds

Linda 115# Deadlift (10# Pr)

Vicky 205# Deadlift (10# Pr)

12-16-2010 10 min Amrap

10 min Amrap

10 box Jumps 24″/20″

10 Hang Power Clean 30/20 DB

10 OH Walking Lunges 30/20 DB

Mike E 4 20″/30#

Vicky 5+17 12″/15#

Jeff 3 20″/20#

David 6 24″/30#

12-15-2010 Double WOD


7 min Amrap

7 Thrusters 45/30

7 Burpees

Rest 3 minutes


3 rounds of

5 Clean 135/95

15 Abmat situps


Steve 7+12 3:20 Rx

Mike 5 4:38Rx

Lisa 4+12 Air/Burp 3:59 30#

Alyssa 5 5:26 Rx

David B 8 2:50 Rx

Sarge 9 2:17 Rx

Charlie 8 2:24 95#

Tyler B 7 30# 3:40 50#

12/13/2010 Kb/PushPress/Squats———Bench/Clean/OHS


3 rounds of
20 Kb Swings 50/3530 Push Press 55/30
40 Air Squats

Lisa 20/10 8:29 2 rounds First CrossFit WOD!!!!!
Vicky 25/30 11:24
Steve Rx 10:21 45sec PR
Mike K Rx 7:02
David 35/55 9:32
Alyssa 25/30 12:36
Jeff 35/55 15:02 Pr..only got 2 rounds on 10/29!!

Bench/Clean/OHS Max effort

Bench Clean OHS
Todd 245 pr 255pr 225
Steve 185 pr 165 pr 125 pr
Shawn 145 (ir) 245 pr X
Wilks 155 pr 155 115

12/11/2010 CrossFit Grit vs. CrossFit Camden “Flipping Crazy”

“Flipping Crazy”

As a Team WOD complete the following task together:

100 DU’s

3 Rope Climbs

100yard Tire Flip 400#

100yard Run

45 Cleans 135#

100 yard Run

100 yard Tire Flip

45 OHS 135#

100yard Tire Flip

100 yard Run

45 Front Squats 135#

100 yard Run

100yard Tire Flip

45 Toes to Bar

3 Rope Climbs

100 DU’s

It was quite a Battle this morning. The Flips got INSANE. The Camden boys ripped through it in just under 25 mins, The Grit limped in about a minute later licking our wounds!!

Great time with Great people. After the WOD we did ALOT of Snatch Work lead by the infamous Andrew Crowley!!

What a Day!

9:30 Tuesday Class Cancelled

Sorry, but due to Doctor appointments and X-Men Filming, the 9:30am class on Tuesday has to be cancelled. I apologize.

12/2/2010 “CrossFit Total”

“CrossFit Total”


Tyler—–205————-130——–230—————565—-1st CFT


David B—215-(pr)——-145-(pr)—305-(pr)——–665—————105#

Charlie—-255————145——–315————–715—–1st CFT

Mike K.—-275————175——–365————–815—–1st CFT



These are all Pr’s from only 2 months!

BIG Numbers at the GRIT!!!

I am SO Proud of all my guys/girls!