11-26-2010 “Annie”

“Annie” 50-40-30-20-10
Double Unders and Abmat V-Situps

*Triple the reps for Single Jumpropes

Todd Rx 9:18 First ever RX’d
Wilks Rx 10:55 First ever RX’d
Steve Singles 11:10
Alyssa Singles 15:08

11/25/2010 “Evey Minute…Work”

“Evey Minute…Work”

5 Pullups
5 KB Swings 50/35
10 Airsquats

Perform 1 round every minute on the minute until you can no longer complete work within the alotted minute.
On the 13th round double the reps!!!

Wilks 12 rnds +27rep
Mike K 12 rnds +25
Fain 13 rnds (jumping Pullups)
Vicky 10 rnds (Jumping Pullups)
Mike E 5 rnds

11-24-2010 “On the Min, Every Min”

“On the Min, Every Min”

Clean and Jerk 95#
Start with 1 rep and add a rep every minute on the minute.
Score last round completed within the minute.

Josh Rx+ 135# 9rds +5 50reps
Sarge Rx 95# 12rds +8 86reps
Blake Rx+ 100# 10rds 55reps
Steve Rx 95# 9rds +7 52reps
Jersey Rx 95# 8rds 36reps
Mike Rx 95# 7rds 28reps

Crazy Stuff right here!!!

11-23-2010 “Trainer WOD”—then—“GRACE”

“Trainer WOD”

4 rounds of 5 reps each of

Backsquats 225#
Boxjumps 24″
1 arm Snatch 50#
Double Unders

Todd 4:10
Sarge 4:33


30 reps fo clean and jerk 135#

Todd 3:00 new Pr
Mike K 4:18 first time attempting Grace!!

11-23-2010 Man/TB/Stepup

4 rounds of

10 Manmakers 25/10
10 Toes to Bar/Knees to Elbows
20 Stepups 24″/20″

Josh Rx+ 25/T/30″ 14:25
Steve Rx 25/T/24″ 20:46
Mike Rx 25/T/24″ 18:30 (3 rounds)
Linda Rx 10/K/20″ 24:42
Vicky Rx 10/k/20″ 18:43

11-22-2010 “NANCY”


5 rounds of
400m run
15 Overhead Squats 95#

Todd Rx 15:42
Sarge 75# 12:50
Wesley 65# 14:15
David 45# 13:35
Vicky 33# 21:12
Fain PVC 13:18
MJ PVC 16:45

11-18-2010 “That Stings Alittle”

That Stings Alittle

Rx 2 Rounds of
Rx+ 3 rounds of

100m Walking Lunges…(To the Dumpster)
100m Sprint……(Back to the Box)
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Hand Lift Pushups
10 Star Jumps

Treat—-first person starts with 20lb med ball, does ten walking lunges then drops ball, next person picks up and does ten then drops….so on a so forth til the Dumpster. Each time you come to ball pick it up and do ten walking lunges. If you get to the ball at the Dumpster then pick it up and carry it on the sprint back to the Box!

Josh Rx 8:20 Rx+ 13:17
Wesley Rx 8:32
Sarge Rx 9:12
Mike Rx 11:14
Vicky Rx 12:57
Linda Rx 15:10

11-17-2010 “GRACE”


30 Reps of Clean and Jerk 135/95/55

Josh Rx 2:18 (Pr from 5:52)
Mike 95 3:03 (Pr from 4:30)
Steve 95 3:13 (Pr from 4:50) Pukie!!!!!!!!!!!!
David 95 2:19
Jeff 95 5:03

MJ 55 4:34
Alyssa 55 4:46
Linda 55 5:33
Anne 55 5:36

11-16-2010 “LUCY”

5 rounds of
5 Pullups
10 Burpees
400m run

Steve 11:18
Wesley 12:25
Todd 13:00
Crystal 13:24 Blue
David 14:32
Jeff 18:57 Green
Jarad 18:58
Vicky 21:21 Blue
Jersey 21:36

11-15-2010 “100 Thrusters of Death”

WOD “100 Thrusters of Death”

Arrange pairs of 20lb, 25lb, and 30lb Dumbells in a circle. Eveyone takes a position on a set weight and at “3, 2, 1, Go!” begins their 100 Thrusters. At every 30 sec interval yell shift and everyone drops their DBs and rotates right.

Scale DB Weights per clients skill.

Sarge Rx 5:25
Josh Rx 5:55
Vicki 10,15,20 7:30