3/9/2011 “Tabata Crazy”

“Tabata Crazy”

4 Rounds of 4 Excercises with 2 intervals of each.
Rest 2 min between each round.

Abmat V-situps
KB Swings 70/53/35/26#

Steve Rx+ 70 420
Mike K Rx+ 70 362
David B Rx 423
Ginn Rx 373
Wesley Rx 396
Chris C Rx 366
Crystal 26 410
Mike E 53 265 3rds
Mark P 35 242 3rds
Nat 26 175 3 rds

3/8/2011 15 min Amrap

15 min Amrap
10 Pushups (handlift)
10 OH Walking Lunges 45/25 Plate
200m Run
30 Du’s/90 singles

Holly RX 6 +200m
David B Rx 5 +20
Blaine 45/sing 5 +70sing
Ginn 25/sing 6 +5
Brad 25/sing 5 +200m
Anne 25/sing 4 +50m
Linda 25/sing 4 +7
Nat 25/sing 4 in 10 min.
Xenia 15/sing 4 +12
Roxie 15/sing 4 +11

3/7/2011 “Helen”


3 rounds for time of
21 Kb Swings 53/35
12 Pullups
400m Run

Steve Rx 8:08 (2min pr)
Wesley Rx 8:25 (1:45 pr)
Holly Rx 9:11
David B Rx 10:25
Blaine 35/J 9:35
Brian G 53/J 9:12
Anne 35/Blue 13:47
Xenia 26/J 16:30
Roxie 26/J 14:22
Stella 18/J 14:55
Brandon 35/Jumprope

3/5/2011 “300”


* 25 pull-ups
* 50 deadlifts 135/95
* 50 push-ups Handlift
* 50 box jumps 24/20
* 50 “floor wipers” 135/95
* 50 “clean and press” 35/26
* 25 pull-ups

3/3/2010 “Lazy Morning”

“Lazy Morning”
3 rounds of

3 evolutions of
10 Stepups 24/20
15 Airsquats

Run 200m between each round

3 evos, run, 3 evos, run, 3 evos, run…TIME!

2/28/2011 “4,3,2,1,Run”

20 Min Amrap

4 Deadlift 95/65
3 Cleans
2 Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
200m Run

2/26/2011 Trainer WOD “Todd Vs. Holly”

2/25/2011 Sprint/Goblet Squat—-EMOM


Every minute on the minute

50 yard Sprint

10 Goblet Squats 50/30

Get as many rounds until you can no longer complete the squats in the minute alotted.

2/22/2011 Some Kind of Lucy

Some Kind of Lucy

4 rounds of

5 Pullups
10 Burpees
15 Airsquats
400m Run

2/21/2011 30 on 30 off

30 secs on 30 secs off

4 rounds of

Ghd situps
Hang power cleans 95#/65#
Ring Pushups

Count the reps completed for each 30 interval then total at end.